Sunday, May 31, 2009


If you want to take a dog for your pet, find more articles about dog. You can know much more about dog, their behavior and a lot of things about dog. After you know, you can decide to choose which dog you want to take as your pet.

Dog has been a popular house pet for thousands of year. These friendly, obedient animals serve people throughout the world in work, play, and sport. A dog may live near an Eskimo’s igloo, in jungle village, in a farm home, or in a city apartment.

Dogs have earned our love and respect with their faithfulness and devotion. Many dogs have given their own lives to save or protect their masters. Dogs guard the home, and herd cattle and sheep. Their keen sense of smell makes them fine hunting companions. Dogs like to be with people, especially children, and they often howl sadly when left alone. One of the happiest sights is dog greeting a child joyful barks and wagging tail. A dog can be taught to obey command because it is intelligent and wants to please. Dogs were the first animal to be tamed by people.

I want to share the experience in maintaining the dog. Approximately my almost 26 years maintain various dog kinds. With the naughty behavior, can be overcome by a little training that is given by us. They will have a bad attitude if having the person in and around us want to intend bad. They can know who that the lover of the animal or not. Who that intends bad or not. This is proven whether why when I visit to the house someone who by chance has the dog. This dog is not bad or stern. In fact the owner says that his dog including bad if having the person who is not known to come to the host’s house. The sensitivity against its surrounds makes us feel safe with him.

According to the book that I read, there are 6 group of dog, among other:

  1. Sporting dogs
  2. Non sporting dogs
  3. Hounds
  4. Working dogs
  5. Terriers
  6. Toy dogs

Sporting Dogs

Sporting dog classification used by breeders and kennel clubs to designate dogs bred for pointing, flushing, and retrieving game.

Sporting dogs hunt chiefly by smelling the air to locate game birds. Such as pointers and setters smell the game, then “point” their bodies and noses toward it to guide the hunter.

Setters take their name from dogs that were one trained to set (crouch) after locating game birds hiding in grass or bushes. The hunters then casts nets over the birds, Retrievers pick up birds that have been shot, and bring them back to the hunters. When people began using guns for hunting, they trained certain dogs to spring (scare) game birds into the air. Such dogs are called Springer. Most spaniels hunt in this way.

Non sporting Dog

The non sporting group is the most diverse of all groups, sometimes considered a catchall for breeds that defy categorization elsewhere or that no longer have a tenable function. Some prefer to call it the "companion group" because these dogs tend to have in common at least a recent background of being bred solely for companionship purposes. The background of these dogs is so varied, however, that it would be unrealistic to classify them as generally better companions than any other group. Each breed must be evaluated on its own merits in this group.


Hound is the name of a group of dogs. Hounds are of two types: those that hunt by following the scent of their quarry, and those that hunt by sight.

A hound is a type of dog that assists hunters by tracking or chasing the animal being hunted. It can be contrasted with the gun dog, which assists hunters by identifying the location of prey, and with the retriever, which recovers shot quarry.

The typical hound has long ears, strong legs, and a long tail.

Hounds are alert, love the outdoors, and have great endurance. They are among the oldest known dogs.

Working Dog

Working dog serves man as herders, guards, sled dogs, and in other useful ways.

The working group has the largest number of breeds.

A working dog refers to a canine working animal, i.e. a type of dog that is not merely a pet but learns and performs tasks to assist and/or entertain its human companions, or a breed of such origin.


Terrier is the name of a group of breeds of dogs.

Terries hunt rats, mice, and other vermin, chiefly by digging in the ground. These dogs kill their prey by crushing it with their powerful jaws.

A terrier is a dog of any one of many breeds or landraces of terrier type, which are typically small, wiry, very active and fearless dogs.

They are fearless watchdogs and usually have gay, playful dispositions.

Most have wire-haired coats, and bushy whiskers and eyebrows.

Toy Dog

Toy dog is the name of a group of small dogs.

Toy dog traditionally refers to a very small dog or a grouping of small and very small breeds of dog. A Toy dog may be of any of various dog types. Not all Toy dogs are lapdogs, although that is an important and ancient type of toy dog. The very smallest toy dogs are sometimes called Teacup size, although no major dog registry recognizes that term.

How dogs help people.

Most dogs can be trained to guard their master’s home and property. Their barking and growling frighten burglars, and awaken sleeping families in case of fire. Watchdogs protect stores and factories at night. Sometimes dogs accompany police officers on lonely beats. Bloodhounds track down criminals. Specially trained guide dogs lead blind persons. Guide dog is a dog specially trained to guide a blind person. Dog chosen for such training must show quality of good disposition, intelligence, physical fitness, and responsibility. Breeds best suited for guide dog work include, in order of importance, German Shepherds, Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, and boxers.

At the age of about 14 months, a guide dog begins an intensive course that lasts from three to five months. It becomes accustomed to the leather harness and the stiff leather handle it will wear when guiding its blind owner. The dog learns to watch traffic and to cross streets safely. It also learns to obey such commands as “forward,” “left,” and “sit,” and to disobey any command that might lead its owner into danger for example, a guide dog will refuse to cross a busy street unless the traffic has stopped.

The most important part of the training course is a program in which the guide dog and its future owner learn to work together.

Basically, there are many way that dog can do to help people.

Instincts and Intelligence.

Dogs have many of the instincts of their wild ancestors. For example, all dogs gobble their food as though they were keeping other animals from gabbing it. They turn around several times before lying down, in much the same way that wild dogs trample grass to make a sheltered bed. A frightened dog curls it tail between its legs o keep it out of the reach of enemies. Male dogs urinate on trees to tell other dogs they have been there. The ability of dogs to learn to obey commands is one mark of their intelligence. But for the first three weeks of a puppy’s life, it’s known nothing and needs only warmth and food. In the forth week of life, the puppy can see, hear, and smell, and it begins to earn. From the fourth to the seventh week, the puppy starts playing and responds to people. From the seventh to the twelfth week, the puppy can learn simple commands such as “let’s go for a walk.” Such orders, if repeated several times, come to mean to the dog exactly what they mean to a person. Some dogs seem to have the power to reason, or solve problems such as how to get food from a box by pressing a lever.

The body of the dog

The body of the dog that have been usefully as:


Dogs recognize objects by smell, much as man recognizes them by sight. A dog can detect the scent of an object which its master has held in his hand for only a second.

For example, Avalanche shepherd dogs can smell men buried under 20 feet (6 meters) of snow), Moisture helps dog detect odors, and most dogs have moist noses. Dogs lick their noses to keep them moist. However, a healthy dog can have a warm, dry nose.


A dog can hear sounds 250 yards (229 meters) away that most people cannot hear beyond 25 yards (23 meters). The human ear can detect sound waves that vibrate at frequencies up to 20.000 times a second. But dogs can hear sound waves that vibrate at frequencies of more than 30.000 times a second. Some persons signal to their dogs by blowing on high-pitched whistles that cannot be heard by humans. The outsides of a dog’s ears have flaps of skin called leathers. These protect the dog’s ears, and can be moved to help catch and locate sounds. Most small dogs hear well than large dogs.


Basically, the dog has the characteristics love to their host. They defend and take care of their host in all the good matters am in danger and not. We give the affection, they will repay with the affection. He will become bad and revenge if we do wrong against his host. His life only just for his host. They would not a second also wants to move further away from his host or the person who is loved by them. This is proven in the story where when a dog is expelled by his host because his host does not want his dog to go along suffer in a danger. This dog continues to not go although being hurt. He feels better die defend his host than see his host die.


In fact in having the dog, there is also is found by the problem. There is the good side in the characteristics and the behavior, but have also his ugly side. But the problem can be like that overcome if we give the exercise and the maintenance since early.

Another problem that is appeared because of some people does, among other things:

  • Some people want to take care of a dog, but they only use it for specific demand without giving it love and attention, so the dog feels sad, alone and also it will become a wild dog.
  • Some people want a dog, but they do not have time, they do not know how to take care of a dog and how to train it, so the dog has grown without any knowledge. They only expected that the dog is able to bark if it looks at a stranger.
  • Several people use the dog as the worker's dog. When he feels tired and tired, his host do not want know and do not want understand would the situation of the dog. During so the dog is forced to continue to work until-cattle must use the violence like beaten up. This matter makes the dog become sad and bad. The matter like this that has been paid attention to by me in the everyday life.

If you cannot fill all that, I suggest better do not need to maintain the dog.

I have a story that is the truth story of a dog whose name is Asco Von House Derfchenke. It died in 1978 because of falling down from the Helicopter with 75 m height. The spiritual unity texture between dog and its host made the dog brought forth a strange character that it was the sign of death. A week before Asco died, it jumped over from its stable with 3 m height, then it came to its host house, and it went over its host bed. According to its host, it seemed that it wanted to say good bye to me. When it was mortally wounded, its eye constantly to tears. Its dull eye looked at me, as if wanted to get up repeatedly, but I always supported it, until finally it died.

From this true story, you can see how love and affection between two creatures that is God and His creation and it is the fact that it is a spiritual unity between the dog and its host which has been proved.

The host said, Dog has a million fold feeling that is more sensitive than people.

However, close are there between dogs and men, they can not be shaped without profound understanding between them.

So, if you have already chosen the dog as your pet, please Love them as you love your friend and they will repay you with the affection.

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